Begin Recording...
Click to Start Listening


Click the microphone to begin recording!

Using this voice model is fairly simple. However, to acheive the best results, be sure to speak clearly into your microphone. Minimize background noise and try to speak at a normal volume.

1. Click on the Microphone button to start recording.
2. Speak into your microphone clearly. You can also say a command you want to execute. Try to reduce background noise when speaking to avoid interference.
3. Click on the Stop button to stop recording.
4. Click on the Reset button to clear the transcription.
5. Finally, if you would like, upload a file to generate a transcription for the file.

Enjoy using the model! Be sure to check out the new OpenAI ChatGPT integration and text-to-speech features!


There are several commands you can use to interact with the model. When you say a command, it may take a second for the model to respond.

Go to **
Brings you to a website.
Makes the microphone wiggle.
Plus *Number*
Adds a number to the counter.
Minus *Number*
Subtracts a number from counter.
Change Background Color to *Color*
Changes background color.
Reset Background Color
Restores gray background.
Stops voice transcription.
Removes the transcription.